It may well be that its impossible to maintain a meaningful relationship with a JW
in your situation. We are only human.
Lee Elder
JoinedPosts by Lee Elder
leaving well enough alone
by spider inits late and i am tired but i'm kinda stirred up.
i forgot it could get like this.
i left the religion behind and its fine really - nicely in the past - of course i got issues and i get angry sometimes but i left it all behind - all the friends.
Lee Elder
Lee Elder
My thoughts exactly.
Pedophilia and the WTS 's Irrational Arrogance
by Lee Elder ini am shocked and outraged by the recent actions of the watchtower society to silence child advocates who's only agenda is to stop the rape and molestation of jehovah's witness children and protect them from the known pedophiles operating within the organization.
those in the organization who are responsible for these reprehensible actions must be sanctioned.
i sincerely hope that voting members of the watchtower society will insist on the removal of all corporate directors who support the current policies that harm children and protect pedophiles.
Lee Elder
Marvin, I agree with your remarks. The WTS's action is one of "extreme and obscene immorality". There is something very, very wrong in Watchtowerdom. They would have to pass out "Kool-Aid" to the friends for there to be any stronger indication of the depth of the problems in the organization. The wheels are coming off the cart and it is careening out of control. As the last remnants of sense and reason escape, the vacuum is filling with stupidity, arrogance and fanaticism. It is time to leave.
Pedophilia and the WTS 's Irrational Arrogance
by Lee Elder ini am shocked and outraged by the recent actions of the watchtower society to silence child advocates who's only agenda is to stop the rape and molestation of jehovah's witness children and protect them from the known pedophiles operating within the organization.
those in the organization who are responsible for these reprehensible actions must be sanctioned.
i sincerely hope that voting members of the watchtower society will insist on the removal of all corporate directors who support the current policies that harm children and protect pedophiles.
Lee Elder
I am shocked and outraged by the recent actions of the Watchtower Society to silence child advocates who's only agenda is to stop the rape and molestation of Jehovah's Witness children and protect them from the known pedophiles operating within the organization.
Those in the organization who are responsible for these reprehensible actions must be sanctioned. I sincerely hope that voting members of the Watchtower Society will insist on the removal of all corporate directors who support the current policies that harm children and protect pedophiles.
I believe that the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses are disgusted by this scandal and want something done. It is simply shameful and those who support it are repulsive and immoral.
I have spoke with a number of inactive JWs who are so embarrassed that they have ceased to acknowledge ever having been affiliated with the WTS. My wife and I have pretty much reached that point as well. Even my elderly JW father is to the point where he will walk away if something is not done to stop these perverts from having what amounts to free reign in the organization.
I have never considered myself an enemy of the WTS, simply someone who felt a consciousness desire to do what I could to make the organization a safer place. I am quickly reaching the point, however, where I just want to throw my hands up and tell everyone to flee for their lives and put two torpedoes in the side of the WTS ship and let her sink. I imagine others are beginning to feel the same way.
There is a very clear message here to anyone in the Watchtower Society with a functioning brain: Change your policy on child abuse now! Turn suspected abusers over to the authorities or instruct those making accusations that the congregation supports their right to report to the police. Find some way to warn parents and children about known pedophiles. This is common sense and no twisted application of scripture alters that. Jesus would insist on taking every reasonable step to protect children and so should everyone in the WTS.
The message to the Pedophile community has been loud and clear for some time: The WTS is a safe place! This problem will only get worse if something is not done and conscientious JWs will stream out of the WTS if the status quo remains. The issue is simple and straightforward - it's about the children and the WTS had better start protecting them and jettison the wicked men who protect the pedophiles.
What seems to propel and sustain WTS leaders is their belief they are God's channel and thus whatever policy they come up with represents God's view on a matter. It is an irrational arrogance not supported by their published historical statements.
WT leaders would benefit immensely, and so would the JW community, if they simply listened to the outcry from the JW children and then acted like good and decent human beings.
Jehovah God is quite capable of protecting and sanctifying his own name should he choose to do so. The real question is, are WTS leaders capable of using a little common sense and protecting JW children?
Edited by - Lee Elder on 1 August 2002 17:38:15
Joe Anderson Disfellowshipped
by silentlambs in8-1-02, addition to 7-31-02 press release .
joe anderson-disfellowshipped!
jehovahs witness child advocate.
Lee Elder
This is quite a thing to watch develop from my perspective. I don't think that any of us that are familiar with how the WTS functions can really say that we are surprised by these developments, still there is a very surreal aspect to the WTS that fascinates me. They are captives to a concept and apparently many are incapable of objectively evaluating the situation they find themselves in. I suspect that many of these men will go to their graves convinced of their righteousness, completely self deluded and intoxicated by their self serving, toxic beliefs and policies.
Perhaps those who are disfellowshiped are the lucky ones - at least they have a chance to see the WTS for what it really is and perhaps affect some positive change in the lives of those forced to grow up as Jehovah's Witnesses.
Survey result: JW views on Homosexuality
by Max Divergent inwere you more liberal that your jw peers?.
a 2001 survey asked for a response to the statement: "i believe homosexuality is immoral".
based on the religion of the respondents, it found that found that 84% of jws responded 'yes', compared to 20% of jews, 30% of 'no religion', and 48% of americans and 36% of australians overall.
Lee Elder
Very interesting stuff - this would mean that nearly 1 million of the 6 million active publishers
have views that are widely divergent from WTS policy. That is a huge crack in the notion of
"monolithic" support for published policy in the organization. I'd be willing to be that a similar
survey would reveal divergent views on many issues. This is precisely why physicians should
not assume that a JW will refuse a medically necessary blood transfusion just because they
are unconsious and have an outdated advance directive or JW relativces insisting that they
not receive blood or a blood product that might at present be prohibited by WTS polilcy.Lee
by minimus inhow many stupid elders and co's have you known???
years ago, one co used to stop at music stores so that he could sit behind a piano and play beethoven.this was during field service!
i knew of a stupid elder that knew a father who had been an elder and was deleted for immorality with his daughters, and this stupid elder wanted to recommend him to be an elder again!!!
Lee Elder
They get dumber and meaner all the time.
We Disassociated Ourselves Tonite!!!
by LyinEyes inlocal elder called tonite, with a witness on the phone to ask if it is true we were smoking ?
we said yes, and we know who told on us.
it was a ms who was at the club just last week with another woman, not his wife of course, while she was at the meeting.
Lee Elder
Well I've had a couple glasses of wine myself this evening so
let me just say in my liberal spirit:1. Glad to hear that you feel relieved
2. Not glad to hear that you are smoking. Of all of the many good
reasons available for jumping ship, smoking has to be among the
worst.Exercise you newly found freedom and get a nicotine patch.
Watchtower Moves In For Kill On silentlambs
by silentlambs indraffenville
of jehovah's witnesses
Lee Elder
I think that Bill is pointed in the right direction by focusing on the errors
made by the elders involved in his case. Especially if he can demostrate
to a court that the WTS broke its own published rules/guidelines in their
handling of matters - he may have a case.Lee
Lee Elder
Great letter from a fine brother that does a nice job bringing the issues
into clear focus. Another "good" elder resigns, but there will be another
"dumb" elder to replace him. In the end, only the dumb and mean ones
will be left.Lee